APA Practice Guidance For COVID-19

Due to the pandemic, more seniors are increasingly willing to seek mental health care, but recent research shows that more than 60% do not know for certain that Medicare provides mental health care coverage. 

As a Medicare patient resource center (Note: we do not sell or provide healthcare plans), a part of our mission is to help our senior citizens who are suffering from mental health issues learn about the benefits and coverage that are readily available to them through their Medicare plan. As I’m sure you already know, Medicare can be very confusing, making it challenging to know what is covered vs. what is not.

Our new comprehensive guide aims to help medicare recipients identify the different types of outpatient and inpatient services that are covered, eligibility, and most importantly how to get help paying for services and medications.

 You can view the guide here: https://www.medicareplans.com/mental-health-care-outpatient-for-medicare/

Safe Space Radio inspires courageous conversations, reduces stigma, shame and isolation, and fosters compassion and public health. These educational webinars highlight the voice of the patient as a teacher to help us understand experiences that are hard to talk about. All shows are approved nationally for continuing education credit by Maine Medical Center for AMA PRA Category 1 CME for doctors, nurses, and physician assistants; and CE for psychologists and social workers for an administrative fee of $10.00.   The materials are free for students.  All 11 accredited shows can be found at www.safespaceradio.com/education.  

Individual titles and descriptions are included below:


 This podcast explores how coping with the mental health impacts of climate change can make us more effective at combating it. We hear stories about the challenges of facing the facts about climate change and feeling the emotions that come up including grief, hopelessness, and fear. Finally, we consider how taking action can actually lead us to greater strength, connection, and impact.


 Dementia is a common, devastating disease that takes a significant toll on individual patients, their families, and their communities. In this podcast, the unspoken challenges of caring for a family member with dementia are discussed. In the United States, approximately 16.1 million individuals provide unpaid care for someone with dementia.   These are most often family members who face frustration, isolation, and many difficult decisions regarding the care of their loved one. The show explores the experience of ambiguous loss, where the person is both here and not here at the same time. Through stories, we explore why caregivers have such high rates of depression and how difficult it may be to live with the fear of getting the disease.  We highlight ways in which to support caregivers, in hopes of improving the overall health of individuals who take on such an important and challenging role.


 This show is about the courage of teenagers who come out at a time in life when it is hardest to be different. We explore some of the struggles faced by LGBTQ teens and how these contribute to higher rates of depression and suicide among LGBTQ youth compared to their peers. Personal stories reveal the challenges of coming out at a time when all teens struggle with differentiation and independence. Several measures, however, have been shown to improve the wellbeing of LGBTQ youth. We discuss how implementation of anti-discrimination policies and Gay-Straight Alliances in schools has been shown to reduce suicide rates in a surprising way. In addition, we highlight the ways in which adults can serve as role models and advocates while providing supportive relationships for LGBTQ teens.


 This show explores the correlation between childhood adverse events and negative long-term effects on both physical and mental health. We begin with a discussion of the link between child abuse and obesity, which was brought to light through the work of Dr. Vincent Felitti, Founder of the Department of Preventive Medicine for Kaiser Permanente, and Robert Anda of the CDC. In addition, he discusses his research on the lasting impact of other forms of child abuse, the results of which were published in the groundbreaking Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study of over 17,000 adults. ACEs refer to different forms of abuse that individuals might be exposed to in childhood. Dr. Felitti describes how they came to understand the relationship between child abuse and long-term health, what mechanisms underlie this connection, and what it means for practitioners seeing these patients as adults.


 Anxiety disorders as a whole are the most common mental illness in the United States. An estimated 31% of U.S. adults experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. In this show, we explore several different forms that anxiety can take and learn more about how difficult it can be to differentiate between distinct anxiety disorders. We specifically focus on obsessive compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, performance anxiety, and excoriation disorder. Our guests share their experiences of living with anxiety, including the challenges of receiving a diagnosis (or diagnoses) and finding effective treatment. Their stories highlight how debilitating anxiety can be, but also provide hope for treatment and recovery.


 In this podcast, we explore the challenges that individuals with major mental illness and their families face through deeply personal stories. While Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder may be less prevalent than other mental disorders, they demonstrate some of the strongest associations with mortality and disability. Our guests illustrate just some of the many factors that contribute to this. We discuss what life is like when treatment doesn’t work or a family member refuses to voluntarily get help. Our guests share their experiences of stigma and shame, which unfortunately permeate the lives of many individuals affected by mental illness. We highlight what has given these individuals hope and how professionals can approach patients and families affected by bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.


 In this show, we explore the shame and trauma that patients can experience as a result of encounters with the medical or mental health systems. The potential for these emotional responses often goes unnoticed or unrecognized by professionals. This discussion was inspired by the work of Dr. Aaron Lazare, who devoted part of his career to raising awareness about the patient’s experience of shame and humiliation in medical encounters. We expand this topic to include several examples of medical-related trauma, with personal stories to highlight the lasting stress reactions that may result from these experiences. These conversations reveal the pervasive nature of shame and trauma, which occur even when working to help and heal others. We discuss the importance of recognizing the contributing factors for these reactions, in order to prevent or minimize their impact on patients and families.


 This show explores the unique challenges that refugees and asylum seekers face. We focus on the experiences of women who have re-settled in Maine as a case study of the resettlement process throughout the U.S. We explain the technical aspects of being a refugee or asylee and the difficult process that these individuals have to go through in order to be granted a new home. Expert accounts frame two deeply personal and inspiring stories of persecution, trauma, courage, resilience, and hope.


 In this podcast, we discuss the difficult topic of suicide. From the perspectives of parents and children, we explore what it’s like to go on living when a loved one takes their own life. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally.  It touches hundreds of thousands of lives, with each individual affected in different ways. Our guests describe the events leading up to their loved one’s suicide and what it took to move forward in their own lives after such a tragedy. They bravely describe the anger, guilt, grief, and shame that characterize just some of the emotions experienced after a loved one attempts or dies by suicide. Finally, we discuss factors that contribute to increased risk of suicide and share some strategies that may help mediate this risk.


 How do we deal with death and dying? What are the forms that grief can take? In this podcast, our guests discuss their experiences with the death of family members, friends, and even strangers.  From the perspectives of family members who have lost a parent or child, to hospice workers who see death as part of their daily work, we hear about the many different ways that individuals experience and process grief. Our guests provide examples of what we can do to honor those in the dying process and after they pass.


 In this show, we discuss the important topic of addiction. In 2016, the Surgeon General issued the first ever Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health because the number of U.S. citizens struggling with addiction is growing. In that report, he highlighted that more Americans are diagnosed with substance use disorders each year than all types of cancer combined. The total number of deaths involving opioid drugs from 2002 – 2015 also increased 2.8-fold. It is clear from these data that the lives of most Americans have been touched by addiction in some way. We will hear about different forms that addiction can take through personal stories and also expert opinions about concepts important to substance use. This show highlights the cyclical nature of addiction and shame; how substance use can be seen as both a remedy to feelings of shame and a perpetuant of those same feelings.

*The views expressed in the above resources/educational activities do not necessarily reflect those of NHPS.